

The parties to this partnership agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) are the partners of the SITE.COM advertising network (any individual or legal entity) and the administration of the SITE.COM resource (represented by the owner and/or administrator of the system). The agreement is recognized as a public offer and comes into force after its acceptance by registration of the partner in the system. The use of the service implies the partner's full consent to all clauses of this agreement, as well as all clauses of the terms of use of the service, located at: https://SITE.COM/en/agreement.

Terms and definitions

Affiliate network (system) - a complex of hardware and software functioning in the Internet at the permanent address https://SITE.COM/.

Service - services provided by the administration of the service with the help of the system.

Advertiser - a person who purchases services of the service.

Partner (webmaster) - a person rendering services on broadcasting advertisements of the service, as well as a person attracting users to the advertising sites of advertisers of the service.

User - a person who is a user of the global Internet network, accessing the sites containing advertising materials in interactive mode from any place at any time.

Account - a part of https://SITE.COM/ closed from public viewing, which gives the partner and advertiser an opportunity to view and manage their own accounts, advertising campaigns, sites and places.

Personal cabinet - a set of necessary tools (services) provided by the system to the partner for account management.

Id - a unique identifier of the advertising platform in the service database.

Quality target action - a user action specified by the advertiser when creating an advertising campaign as the achievement of the goal, for which the advertiser pays remuneration.

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. Partner undertakes to render services on placement of advertising code offered by the service or on use of advertising links of the service to attract users to the advertisers' sites in order for the latter to perform qualitative target actions, and the administration of the service undertakes to accept and pay for properly rendered services.

2. Rights and obligations of the partner

2.1 Partner guarantees that he/she has all necessary powers to conclude and execute this agreement, and that the provision of services specified in clause 1.1. of the Agreement by Partner (webmaster) does not contradict the legislation. Agreement, does not contradict the legislation, obligations assumed by the partner (webmaster) to third parties, and otherwise does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties and/or the service.

2.2. The Partner undertakes to provide services in accordance with the current legislation of the country where he/she resides/provides services and rules defined by this agreement and terms of service usage (including appendices and additions to it) during the whole term of validity of this agreement.

2.3. The Partner undertakes to comply with the requirements to traffic sources described in the terms of admission to the network, which are placed in the section: https://SITE.COM/ua/admission-conditions.

2.4. the Partner undertakes to submit a timely application for remuneration according to the internal regulations of the service

2.5. The Partner undertakes to inform the administration of the service about all technical problems related to access to the advertising network.

2.6. The Partner undertakes to provide reliable information about the attracted traffic or about the method of performing target actions by users upon request of the service administration or network representative.

2.7. The Partner undertakes to contact the support service on all issues arising in the course of work, as well as to respond to requests of the service administration in a timely manner.

2.8. The Partner is prohibited to:

2.8.1 Attracting traffic by means of spam or any malicious or spyware;

2.8.2. Attracting traffic from cap systems (active advertising systems);

2.8.3. Compelling or motivating users to perform necessary actions on the advertiser's site;

2.8.4. Performing actions independently;

2.8.5. Carrying out any kind of auto-twitching of actions with the help of scripts/bots;

2.8.6. Changing or substituting ip-address, using proxy servers and anonymizers;

2.8.7. Hiding the referrer, as well as automatic redirection of the user (without his knowledge);

2.8.8. Use of traffic sources prohibited by the advertiser;

2.8.9. Forming a false idea about the product/service by using advertising materials that are not related to the objects or terms of advertising specified by the advertiser, or belong to another product, brand;

2.8.10. Create more than one online account;

2.8.11. Use redirect/link shortening services to redirect users;

3. Rights and obligations of the service administration

3.1 The administration of the service has the right:

3.1.1. To collect personal information about the service users within the framework of the privacy policy of the provided information, which is available at the link: https://SITE.COM/en/privacy

3.1.2 Suspend the provision of services or limit access to the service to partners who violate the terms of this agreement;

3.1.3 Keep a register of violators of this agreement and provide access to it to third parties;

3.1.4 In case of detection of violations of this agreement, block the account of the partner (webmaster) without payment of the corresponding remuneration;

3.1.5 Require access to an independent system of accounting statistics of the partner's resource;

3.1.6. Refuse to explain to the partner (webmaster) the reasons for blocking his account, if it somehow infringes on the interests of the service;

3.1.7. Refuse to provide any information to the partner (webmaster) without a corresponding order of the competent authorities;

3.1.8. amend or supplement this agreement without prior notice to partners;

3.1.9. audit the advertising materials and sources of attracting traffic used by the partner (webmaster);

3.1.10. Temporarily or permanently block the source of traffic that violates the terms of this agreement, or does not meet the requirements of the advertiser;

3.1.11. Refuse or suspend payment of remuneration, if there are objective reasons to suspect the partner in violation of the terms of this agreement;

3.2 The administration of the service undertakes:

3.2.1 Uninterrupted operation of the service is not guaranteed. In case of scheduled works, the administration of the service (if possible) notifies partners and advertisers about it by means of notification by an available communication method about failures or interruptions in the work of the service. Notification is not made in cases when the problems are caused by reasons beyond the control of the service administration.

3.2.2 Pay remuneration to partners (webmasters) in a timely manner, according to the internal regulations of the service;

3.2.3 Perform all kinds of activities to analyze the quality of traffic, search for unscrupulous partners (webmasters) and block them;

3.2.4. Update and expand the technical capabilities of the service and its functionality;

3.2.5 Ensure the smooth operation of links and advertising materials belonging to the service. At the same time the administration of the service does not assume responsibility for the operability of the advertising site, but takes all the following measures

4. Remuneration and settlement procedure

4.1 The administration of the service pays remuneration to the partner for rendering the services specified in the subject of this agreement. Remuneration is paid for qualitative target actions performed by users on the advertiser's and/or third parties' website.

4.2 The Parties recognize that for the purpose of determining the moment of the beginning and period of rendering, the volume and cost of services, only the data of the service statistics are used.

4.3 The Parties recognize that the calculation of remuneration does not take into account artificially (unfairly) reproduced registrations (actions), the methods of creating which are categorically prohibited under the terms of this agreement.

4.4 The administration of the service makes payment of remuneration after the partner reaches the minimum payment, in the equivalent of 50.00 c.u. The invoice for payment will be generated automatically by the system and is available for viewing by the partner in the personal cabinet. All actions performed with the use of the partner's password in relation to the personal cabinet are recognized as actions performed by the partner.

4.5 The reporting period for rendering services is a calendar month. By default, a request for payment of remuneration for rendered services is formed upon reaching the minimum amount for payment, in the amount equivalent to 50.00 c.u. Payments are made 4 times a month, on each last working day of the week. A Partner can disable this option in the settings of the Personal Area and make a request for payment of the reward at any time, but on condition that the minimum amount for payment is available on the balance (individual payment schedule is negotiated with the Partner Support Manager).

4.6. Payments on the requests made and agreed upon by the administration of the service are made 4 times during the month, every last working day of the week, every calendar month.

4.7. A Partner has the right for early payment of remuneration. The order of forming applications for such payment and conditions should be coordinated with the manager of the partner support service.

4.8. Payment of remuneration is made by non-cash transfer of funds to the partner's bank account, subject to submission of documents in accordance with clause.

4.9 The basis for receiving the payment is the provision of reliable personal data by the partner. In case of doubts about the reliability of the specified data, the administration of the service has the right to suspend or cancel the payment of remuneration.

4.10. In case a partner chooses a non-cash bank transfer as a payment method,
The partner is obliged to conclude a written agreement with the administration of the service, signed by authorized persons of the partner and the administration of the service.

5. Confidentiality

5.1 The parties agree to keep secret and consider confidential the terms and conditions of this agreement, as well as all information received by one party from the other party during the execution of the agreement, and not to disclose, divulge, publicize or otherwise provide such information to any third party without prior written permission of the party transferring this information.

5.2 Each party will take all necessary steps to protect confidential information with at least the same degree of care as it protects its own confidential information.

5.3 The obligation to keep confidential information confidential in accordance with the agreement shall come into effect upon acceptance of the agreement and shall remain in force for 3 (three) years after the expiration of the agreement or its termination for any reason.

6. Responsibility of the parties

6.1 The administration of the service performs a basic check of the advertised resources, guided by the readings of databases of anti-virus programs, as well as open databases of independent companies. The administration of the service does not check the quality of services provided by the advertiser, as well as the fact of their provision to the user.

6.2 The administration of the service in connection with the execution of the agreement does not bear any responsibility to the other party and/or its clients (customers, webmasters) for any indirect/indirect losses and/or lost profits of the party and/or third parties, loss of information, loss of production/business, regardless of whether the party could foresee the possibility of such losses in a particular situation or not. The administration of the service is not liable to the partner for the actions of third parties, as well as to third parties, including the actions of the partner. The partner hereby agrees to release the administration of the service, affiliates, directors, officers and employees from any and all losses, claims, liability that may arise, directly or indirectly in connection with the use of the service, as well as as as a result of any claims made by persons interacting with the partner in relation to the service.

6.3 If a partner violates the requirements of cl. 2.8. The administration of the service has the right to refuse to fulfill the terms of the agreement and immediately terminate it unilaterally out of court, in this case the services are considered not rendered by the partner and are not payable by the administration of the service.

7. Term of validity and termination of the agreement

7.1 This agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of the terms of the agreement through registration in the network and until one of the parties has not sent the other party a written notice of termination of the agreement (including by e-mail). The notice sent by the above method has full legal force and effect and imposes on the parties the respective rights and obligations defined in the agreement.

7.2 The Agreement may be terminated:

7.2.1 By agreement of the parties.

7.2.2. by the Administration of the service, in case of violation of the terms of the agreement by the partner, immediately from the establishment of the fact of violation, and all accruals made to the partner (webmaster) are canceled.

7.2.3 Either party with a written notice to the other party by e-mail or fax at least 5 (five) days prior to the expected date of termination.

7.3 In the cases specified in clause 7.2.2, unilateral notice by

7.4 The administration of the service cancels the account of the partner (webmaster) without payment of the corresponding remuneration, if the account has been inactive for 1 year. Under not active account means that the partner (webmaster) has not attracted more than 3 leads on one offer during 1 year.

7.5 The administration of the service automatically cancels the account of the partner (webmaster) without additional notifications.

7.6 The administration of the service does not make payment of remuneration, if there are funds on the balance, in the case of canceling the account.

Other terms and conditions

8.1 The administration of the service has the right to unilaterally change the provisions of the agreement without prior notice to the partner.

8.2 The current version of the agreement can be found at the following address: https://SITE.COM/en/agreement.
Date of the last amendment of the agreement: 07.02.2021.

8.3 This agreement and relations between the partner and the administration of the service, arising in connection with the application of the agreement and the use of the service, are governed by the laws of Ukraine.